Dreyer Charity Fund

Dreyer Charity Fund engages in social projects and supports a variety of initiatives with 75,000 Euro every year.

A board of four experienced social experts determines the allocation of these funds. Sustainable initiatives and structures are favoured.
Individual cases will only be supported in cooperation with established social institutions.

Dreyer Charity Fund supports the following projects and initiatives, amongst others:

    • Kinderschutzzentrum Salzburg (Salzburg Child Protection Center)
    • Kinderseelenhilfe Salzburg (Salzburg Child Mental Health Initiative)
    • SPZ 1 – Sozialpädagogisches Zentrum Lehen (Lehen Handicapped School)
    • Freiwilligenzentrum Salzburg Land (Salzburg Volunteer Center)
    • Bankgarantie-Programm für soziale Notfälle (Bank Guarantee Programm for the Needy)
    • Teach for Austria (graduates teach in challenging institutions)
    • START Migrantenförderung (support for migrant students)